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If you are a current downtown business owner or you want to open a new business in Downtown Cedartown, you'll want to bookmark this page.


We've condensed important information for you -- and it's all here on this page. 


Whether you want to learn more about tax credits, facade grants or rehabilitation incentives, you'll find what you are looking for here.




Research statistics and demographic data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau

Find information on traffic counts for Cedartown and the Northwest Georgia area from the Georgia Department of Transportation

Population data, economic development stats and other informaton for this region

Provides tax credit to individuals creating jobs and making qualifying investments within historic downtown areas that have been designated as rural zones


The owner of a building that qualifies for a listing on the Georgia Register of Historic Places and is planning a major rehab project may obtain preferential property tax treatment

If a property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the investor or long-term lessee of an income-producing property is entitled to an investment tax credit of up to 20 percent

The Downtown Cedartown Association provides the Facade Grant Program to encourage the preservation of downtown storefronts. Click here for the application



Many resources and technical assistance are available to downtown businesses through the DCA. Assistance with marketing, promotions, business planning, management, workforce and staffing needs all may be addressed by calling the Downtown Cedartown Association at 770-748-2090.


The Downtown Cedartown Association maintains a complete inventory of all properties and owners in the downtown district. The DCA's listing includes current tenants and occupied buildings that are for sale. We are always ready to help locate a suitable property for a new or expanding business. To view the current list of available buildings click here to see a current list.

The SBDC program is designed to provide quality business and economic development assistance to businesses and prospective businesses in order to promote growth, expansion, innovation, increased productivity, and improved management. These objectives are accomplished by providing one-on-one consulting and business training programs, assisting clients with exporting and procurement, supporting minority business development, conducting applied economic research, and fostering rural development. This material is designed as a step-by-step introduction to the issues every new business must face. Click here for Small Business Development Center resources.


The requirements for starting a new business, rehabilitating a building, or just installing a sign can be overwhelming. The Downtown Cedartown Association staff can help business owners wade through it all. Call 770-748-2090 for help.


Beer License - Pouring Outlet With Food - Downtown Business District.....................................................$375.00

Wine License - Pouring Outlet With Food - Downtown Business District....................................................$375.00

Distilled Spirits License - Sales By The Drink - Downtown Business District...........................................$2,250.00


*Allow For Pro-Rated Fees On A Semi-Annual Basis For New Business - July 1st To December 31st Fee Would Be 50% Of Annual Fee*

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